NancyFamolari’s Weblog

Archive for December 2008

Before I spring the surprise, let’s find out a little more about Kim.  She’s a very interesting lady.

Tell us a little about yourself? (i.e. Pets? Where you live? Special interests of hobbies?)

I have a Chia-Pom dog, that is, part Chihuahua and part Pomeranian. She rules my world. I live in the Mid South region of the US and yes, that accent on my radio show is REAL. I really do sound that way, because I asked my family to tell me if I really sounded like that and they assured me that I do. I love peanut better and apple sandwiches, and sausage patties with mustard. I know I know, I am weird.

Tell us a little about your writing schedule. What do you find most difficult, easiest?

I find being committed to a word count everyday the most difficult because I am a very busy person. I work full time, have a part time home based business, and two kids, a hubby, and of course, Tinkerbell (did I tell you she is the boss of my household??) so getting in a regular word count is hard. I think creating is the easiest part of my writing job. I have no trouble finding interesting people to fill pages of books.

What are your future writing plans?

I hope to keep writing the Shannon Wallace series for a few books, and have a contemporary romance in the works as well as a short for an anthology. I also have short stories coming out next year, so readers will not be lonely for some of my brand of writing J

Now for the surprise!

I am just about to embark on a new adventure for readers, called a Murder Mystery EDinner.

Coming soon! Murder Mystery eDinner!

Sign up by emailing Kim at with SHANNON WALLACE MYSTERY – eDinner in the subject line to get on the guest list and begin receiving clues to the cyber whodunnit. The first to solve the crime correctly will win a $20.00 gift certificate to and have their win announced on the radio show Introducing…WRITERS!.


Avenging Angel, a Shannon Wallace Mystery

Shannon Wallace is having a bad hair week. She’s been ditched by her job, drunk as a skunk, dumped by her boyfriend and implicated in his murder. When their very private video collection turns up missing from the crime scene, Shannon has to find them before the cops do. But the killer has taken them, and he’s watched them. Now she’s at the top of HIS most wanted list!

Kim’s latest book is available from Red Rose Publishing (

I asked Kim some questions about her release:

What inspired you to write this story? This book came about originally when an idea occurred to me to write a story about a girl who goes to work for a man who wants to have a detective agency but couldn’t get his license, so they do detecting under the radar. It was a good start, but the story went in a completely different direction once the characters came on screen. I don’t know if it was a good thing or not, but I just held on the reins and they took over the buggy.

Do you have a favorite character, if so tell us why? My favorite character in Avenging Angel is Dwayne Brown. He is the most colorful, fun person in the world to be around. I know my readers will love him!


about Avenging Angel …wonderful story, masterfully blending action, humor, and suspense … from Ron Adams, author of KEY LIME SQUEEZE, LAKE EFFECT…

Avenging Angel, is a welcome addition to the cozy mystery genre.  Full of hilarious situations and a mystery that will keep the reader guessing, the story takes place in a well drawn world peopled by characters brimming with authentic Southern charm.  Smith’s writing is down to earth, real and honest.  Avenging Angel is as refreshing as a tall glass of icy sweet tea on a summer afternoon.

Liz Rozanski

Friends Again Bookstore, Mgr.

about Kim

…Kim is an exceptionally talented writer with keen insight and a deliciously wicked sense of humor. She is a teacher, mentor, sometime editor and critic, and the best friend an aspiring writer can have. She is more than willing to share her talents with others…


Like Kim, I write cozy mysteries, so I’m very pleased to have her as my guest this week. Kim is a very busy lady with many interests. In January she has a surprise in store for her mystery fans. We’ll preview it later in the week.

Kim Smith was born in Memphis Tennessee, the youngest of four children. After a short stint in a Northwest Mississippi junior college, during the era of John Grisham’s rise as a lawyer, she gave up educational pursuits to marry and begin family life.

She has worked in many fields in her life, from fast food waitress to telephone sales. “I always got the seniors on the phone who were lonely and wanted someone to talk to. My boss couldn’t understand why in the world I spent so much time talking to them and not enough time selling. That was when I realized I love people and care deeply about their lives.”

After the birth of her two children, she gave up working outside the home for the more important domestic duties of wife and mother. When her kids decided they wanted to pursue theater as an extracurricular activity, she gave up her free time to drive them to rehearsals, training classes, and plays. During those years, she found herself bored with nothing to do to while away the hours stuck in a car. She began thinking of stories to entertain herself and pass the time. Before long she started telling her husband about her stories and he assured her she could write a book if she really wanted to. She put the idea away once she landed a job as a network administrator for a small corporation, and together the Smith’s started their own video production company.

Writing was a dream, hidden but not forgotten, and soon Kim began to talk again of trying her hand at it. She played with words, and wrote several poems, one of which was picked up for an anthology

One day in the early nineties her husband came home with a desktop computer and sat her in front of it. “Now you have no more excuses,” he said, and she realized the truth in his words. Procrastination, now no longer an option, she took off on the pursuit of penning her first book. Though that book, a young adult fantasy, was lost due to unforeseen circumstances, she kept going, writing a historical romance, and another YA.

When she decided to try out her hand at mystery writing, she discovered her true love and niche in the writing journey. She has since had four short stories, and her first mystery novel accepted for publication.

Kim is a member of Sisters in Crime, and the Short Mystery Society. She still lives in the Mid South region of the United States and is currently working on her second book in the mystery series.

I asked D. Renee some questions about here writing experience.  Here are her responses.

  1. Name and any pen names.

    1. D. Reneé Bagby and Zenobia Renquist

  2. What genre/s do you write in

    1. Fantasy Interracial Romance. I dabble in contemporary every now and again, but my love is fantasy and world-building. My stories are always interracial as well but I do not harp on race unless it is a major part of the plot.

  3. Who is your current publisher? If you have more than one, let us know, but attach the publisher to the book.

    1. Samhain Publishing

      1. Adrienne by D. Reneé Bagby

      2. Serenity by D. Reneé Bagby

    2. Red Rose Publishing

      1. A Valentine’s Day Gift for Tori by Zenobia Renquist

      2. Acknowledging Meirion by Zenobia Renquist

  4. Tell us a little bit about your background and how you became an author.

    1. I became an author as an outlet for the stories I would make up to entertain myself. I had a hard time remembering them all so one day I started writing them down. I finally decided to actually polish something enough for publishing when I couldn’t find the types of books I wanted to read—fantasy romance with an interracial slant. As the old saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention”. So, I ended up writing to entertain myself and, it turned out, other people like reading my stories too.

  5. What is a typical writing day like for you? Approximately how many words do you try to write in a day? What is your workspace like?

    1. Typical. If I could have a typical writing day I would probably get a lot more finished. I try to balance everything and write at the same time. In the end, something has to be neglected so I can get some writing done. At the moment, it’s housework. My study is a disaster area. I can barely get from the door to my desk without tripping over something. I’m planning to rearrange it soon which would involve cleaning, but I’m sure it won’t take me long to mess it up again.

    2. As I’m in the middle of a WIP that is really talking to me, I try to get a chapter a day (approx 2000 words) or at least half a chapter. I don’t normally write in chapter order but when I’m nearing the end, I go chapter by chapter to make sure everything flows.

    3. My usual writing style is scene by scene. I write the scenes as they come to me and then string them together later. As a result, I usually have the ending finished long before I figure out how I’ll start the book and then I just have to figure out how the main characters got there.

  6. What do you enjoy most about writing?

    1. Finishing. I know most authors love the creation process. I love being able to read the story in its entirety, which means I have to finish writing it. My second most enjoyable moment is seeing people’s reactions to my stories once they are published. I like to know that my books struck a cord with the readers and that they will remember them. I had one reader write to me and tell me Serenity made her cry. I didn’t mean to do that but I’m glad for the reaction because that meant she enjoyed the story.

  7. How do you advertise your books? Blog? Website? Magazine advertisement? What works best for you?

    1. All of the above. I’ve inundated Yahoo loops with promo, taken out magazine ads, gotten the promotion service, have my own website and my own blog, and even done banner ads. I’m not sure what is working and what isn’t.

    2. I have learned something very recently that has changed my attitude towards promotion and will color how I handle promotion in 2009. Readers seem to like prolific writers. The best promotion in the world is a new release. Most writers will tell you that their backlist sales increase every time they have a new release. I saw the same for Adrienne when Serenity came out. So, with that in mind, my 2009 goal is to write, write, and write some more so I can finish as many of my planned stories (of which I have tons) as possible.

  8. What are you working on right now? Tell us a little about the plot setting and characters. How did you get the idea?

    1. My current WIP, which I hope to have finished before January 2009, is a mainstream ménage. I know, most ménage stories aren’t usually mainstream, but this one is. My romances aren’t heavy on the sex. I’m more about the emotion and the plot. That’s not to say they won’t be having hot threesome sex, it just won’t dominate the book thus making the book a mainstream.

    2. Here’s my tiny blurb: Lucien and Ranulf have lived through time to once again meet the woman who stole their hearts and changed their lives forever. The only problem is Eris has never met them before. They hope their love can withstand the test of time and that she can forgive their past for the chance at a happy future.

    3. The idea for this story… I wanted to do a time travel. Not to confuse anyone but this is not a typical time travel. I’d say it’s a fantasy story with elements of time travel. That sounds weird, but that’s how the story is. And, it’s not every day a black heroine gets to jump back in time and meet Mr. Right… mostly because someone would probably mistake her for a slave or turn her into one. Well, my heroine has the same issue when she falls back.

  9. What is the best tip you can give someone who wants to be an author?

    1. Most people would say keep writing no matter what or rejection isn’t the end of the world or read as much as you can. I say never stop asking questions. This has several meanings

      1. Talk to your characters. Find out everything there is to know about them. It may not end up in the book but it never hurts to know. More is always better than less.

      2. Talk to other authors. Don’t assume you know all there is about the publishing world. Just when you think you’ve heard it all, someone will pop up with something new. Authors who have been there and done that have a lot of knowledge to share and are willing to share it if you’re willing to listen.

      3. Know what you’re getting into when you submit to a publisher and before you sign a contract. If you don’t understand something about the submission guidelines then email the publisher and ask for clarification. If something in the contract doesn’t make sense, then ask the publisher. If they don’t explain it enough then ask a lawyer. Never be in such a hurry to get published that you screw yourself over.

      4. Finally, learn something new. Don’t just shrug it off when you don’t know something. Open your mouth and ask someone. The embarrassment of having to ask is fleeting but the knowledge gained will last.

  10. Do you have an agent? Do you think a successful writer needs an agent?

    1. I do not have an agent. There are successful authors that do not have agents. I want to enter the world of New York publishing so I will need an agent to get my foot in the door as most NY houses don’t take unsolicited manuscripts.

  11. What do you think about the current state of the industry? What about ebooks? Do you read them? Do you think they will eventually replace print books?

    1. With the economy the way it is, everything is struggling and people are tightening their purse straps. I think ebook sales will only rise because of the trying times. They are cheaper than print and take up way less room.

    2. I do read ebooks but I love my print collection. I will literally buy a book twice, once in ebook and again in print, just to have the print version. More often than not, I will opt to read a print over an ebook just because I get tired of looking at a backlit screen.

    3. I don’t think ebook will replace print. eBooks may one day become more prevalent than print but print books will always be around for those people who prefer them. I know I’m not the only one who finds the smell of a bookstore soothing. Besides, print has one major pro on its side—there is only one format. eBooks are hurting themselves because of all the different formats and readers. I don’t have to worry about if a print book is compatible with my hands or if I’ll have to figure out how to open it or if I’ll have to buy it again at later date because a newer version came out with more features that aren’t compatible with the original

  12. Besides yourself, do you have a favorite author? Favorite book?

    1. My favorite author has always been Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick. I went out of my way to read all her books (that I could get my hands on) when I was in high school and college. Of all hers, I’d say I love Mystique the most.

    2. I don’t think I have an all time favorite book just like I don’t have an all time favorite movie.

serenity-200x300-72resI asked Renee how she became an author.

I became an author as an outlet for the stories I would make up to entertain myself. I had a hard time remembering them all so one day I started writing them down. I finally decided to actually polish something enough for publishing when I couldn’t find the types of books I wanted to read—fantasy romance with an interracial slant. As the old saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention”. So, I ended up writing to entertain myself and, it turned out, other people like reading my stories too.

Her latest release is Serenity from Samhain Publishing. Here’s what she has to say about why she wrote it..

    1. My most recent release is Serenity. It came out in ebook in May and will be in print at the end of January 2009. It is a fantasy romance set on an alternate Earth.

    2. I don’t quite remember how I came up with this story. I remember I wanted to name a character Serenity and have her smiling all the time, which, as my beta reader pointed out once I finished writing the story, made Serenity a sociopath. I didn’t mean to do that but it’s her character. And how I threw that smiling, usually happy, girl into the mix with a seven-foot tall blue demon with giant horns sprouting from his neck, I’m not sure. But, they are a happy couple, so I guess I can’t complain.

    3. My favorite character from Serenity is Chigaru. He’s pretty much everyone’s favorite and he’s getting his own story which will further Serenity’s story as well. I loved him because he was silent and extremely loyal. It’s a shame I have to make him talk in his book but his heroine won’t let him remain the strong, silent type.

    You can get more information about D. Renee Bagby at the following sites:

      1. Email – and

      2. Website – and

      3. Blog –

      4. Myspace – and

cajun-cold4Today I’m interviewing K. T. Bishop.

Tell us a little about yourself, K.T.

I am a award-winning sportswriter who lives on the Florida Gulf Coast and Red Rose Publishing author.
How to Cure a Cajun Cold is the opener of My College Love 101 series, a set of four short stories. Cajun Cold is my debut at Red Rose Publishing. I’ve always wanted to write in this genre.
The next book I have out at Red Rose is PICKING COTTON, the opening novel in my Cotton Series. It will be released in the upcoming months.
For those wanting to know more about me, go to and

    1. What inspired you to write this story? College Love is one of the most sacred romances, but often gets overlooked. High school sweethearts are mostly coveted in romance novels, while the college lovers are usually lost in the shuffle.

    2. Do you have a favorite character, if so tell us why? Arnaz Booker is a hard-working, good-looking student who always get lost in the shuffle. He never gives up on his goal, and finds a beautiful woman in the process.

    3. Tell us a little about your writing schedule. What do you find most difficult, easiest? I write mostly on my off days. At work during dinner/lunch breaks and during the morning before heading off. During the week sometimes is hard to get time into writing, mainly because of a day job.

    4. What are your future writing plans? Picking Cotton is the first of a three-novel series by Red Rose. It entails about M.L. Cotton working hard to play college quarterback in the South during the 1980’s.

    5. What made you write Interracial and Multicultural Sports Romance? I will give a two-part answer. One, I’ve seen countless books on black women/white men and hardly any about white women/black men. Some of that went on at my high school, but people were afraid because of racial intertolerance in the South. Two, there were sports romances out there about baseball and hockey, auto racing. I saw few books on football, a big time thing in the Deep South.

K.T. Bishop is published by Red Rose Publishing. You can learn more about how to Cure a Cajun Cold at:

A creepy old house in the woods, mysterious noises, and a frightening intruder add up to a book you can’t put down. When the Kings move into the old house in the woods, it’s apparent almost immediately that something isn’t right. Xander and his younger brother David think the strange manifestations are a cool adventure until they turn deadly serious. Then the brothers must team up to survive. Young adults will love the action and adventure of this horror story. Xander, the fifteen year old, is a particularly attractive character. Forced into the move against his will, he decides to make the best of it and manages to always stay one step ahead of his parents. Adults too will love this fast paced horror story. I can’t wait for the next installment.

The book, however, is not just a thrilling adventure story. It’s the story of a family. The life threatening consequences of moving to the “House of Dark Shadows” test the bonds of the King family threatening to tear them apart. But the family is stronger than the problems that surround them. This is also a story about loving and caring. It’s about making mistakes and forgiveness. Altogether an unforgettable read.

You can find the book on Thomas Nelson by following the link

Jane Beckenham’s latest novel is available December 18th



Holiday/ Contemporary

ISBN: 978-1-60435-249-8


By Jane Beckenham

Look out for this Red Rose release

..just in time for Christmas

What’s in your Christmas Stocking?

Dreams and fantasies are just that for Mandy Brooks, assistant manager of Wentworth’s, an upmarket department store. Work always gets in the way. But then that is exactly how Mandy likes it. Until Christmas comes round again and she’s forced to play the part of Mrs Santa.

Christmas day five years ago, Tate Sullivan left town. It was also the day Mandy ditched him at the altar. Forced back because of his father’s death, he knows he’s got unfinished business with Mandy Brooks. He wants her back in his bed on his terms, his way. He’s out for revenge. It’s meant to be sweet, isn’t it?

Happy reading

Meet Jane:

Author Jane Beckenham found literature at a young age. In books she discovered dreams and hope, stories that inspired in her a love of romance, and travel. Years later, after a blind date, Jane found her own true love and married him eleven months later.

Life has been a series of ‘dreams’ for Jane. Dreaming of learning to walk again after spending years in hospital. Dreaming of raising a family and subsequently flying to Russia to bring home her two adopted daughters. And of course, dreaming of writing.

In 2007 Jane celebrates the release of her fourth book. HIRING CUPID, a fun and sexy read that will leave you searching for your very own Cupid.

With her family growing up, life is a round of playing mum’s taxi service, all the while wondering what her hero and heroine are up to behind her back! Writing is Jane’s addiction – and it sure beats housework.

You can contact Jane via her web site or email her at

For your Christmas eating pleasure, Jane supplied the following recipe from New Zealand:

That silly season is just around the corner – yipeee or is it a groan I hear you emit. Christmas is summer time down under, but while I was writing Desperately Seeking Santa I had to find out about snow, and snow storms and imagine what it would be like. You see, where I live, Auckland, we’ve only had snow once in about 60 years! Christmas is not only a holiday season, it is the time most take their annual leave from work, the kids our out for the summer holidays and so the country kind of shuts down for a few days. But what better way to enjoy it – at the beach, under clear blue skies, shaded by the Pohutukawa tree, our native New Zealand Christmas tree with it’s scarlet fronds.

The next best thing…Eating pavlova. This is again another kiwi tradition. A meringue outside/marshmallow inside desert topped with cream.

Here’s the recipe.


4 egg whites 1 teaspoon vanilla essence

¼ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vinegar

1 cup castor sugar 2 teaspoons cornflour/cornstarch

Preheat the oven to 150°C(Gas Mark 2). Beat egg whites and salt in a bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually add the castor sugar while beating. Continue until stiff peaks form. Beat in the remaining ingredients, vanilla essence, vinegar and cornflour. Turn mixture out onto a baking paper covered tray. Shape into a circle approximately 23 cm (9 in) in diameter.

Reduce oven temperature to 140°C. Bake for 15 minutes, then further reduce the oven temperature to 120°C and bake for 1 ¼ hours. Cool completely in the oven. Top with whipped cream.

Topping ideas:

Sliced kiwifruit, peaches, strawberries

Grated chocolate

Now, go cook, eat and enjoy and have a wonderful, safe and Merry Christmas from me.

Want a little more about Desperately Seeking Santa?


He’d returned.


Her body preened its thanks, arching from the downy folds of the bedcovers, aching for his touch, temptation overruling any coherent thought.

This was her fantasy played out in the shadowy hours of pre-dawn. She welcomed him with open arms, an internal greed of sensual need cohabited with the desperation of an addict for a fix.

He was her fix. And she wanted him. Now!

Each night proved the same. He came. He teased. And she desperately wanted him.

She couldn’t see him clearly, the mists of fantasy versus reality obscuring him partly. But it was what he did to her that called to her.

His kisses. His touch. His loving.

It refueled her hope he would return.

His hand caressed her breast, tipping her into a world of mindless pleasure.

The purr seemed a whisper at first, slowly intensifying, dragging her heated body from his arms. He shifted away and instantly a sense of bereavement washed across her nakedness left cold and empty by his departure.

“No. Please stay. Love me.”


“Because I…”

The acerbic ring of her alarm sliced through her dreams with a brutal thrust. She jolted upright, shocked at her traitorous body and mind.

She’d been about to say she loved him. But how could she love a fantasy?

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  • Jacqueline Seewald: Hi, Rose Marie, Great interview! I love paranormal romance myself. Wishing you every success, Jacqueline Seewald THE INFERNO COLLECTION, Fiv
  • Your career advice guide: Very interesting article. Writing is something that has to come from within. Moreover, a successful writer has to be a good storyteller to be able to